
We Grow 6, 7 and 8 figure Ecom Brands Through Retention & Lifecycle Systems

Increase your brand's MRR by 20% - 40% in 60-90 Days & ONLY pay us a small percentage of the profits with an ever-evolving automated email & SMS strategy tailored to your business.

What our clients say about us

Tu-Hien Le
CEO BeauGen

"If you are also looking for an email marketing team that will always go the extra mile, always be super responsive and organized, and very easy to work with and collaborative, I definitely recommend that you reach out to Nicolas and his team because you won't be disappointed."


Sam Culkins
Co-Founder Culk

"We are now consistently generating revenue attributed to email, which is great because our revenue attributed to email was very insignificant prior to working with Nicolas."


Elina Furman
CEO Kahlmi

"I started working with Nicolas and his team about 2 months ago, and he's really transformed my business and email strategy [...] he figured out the wording, tone, and messaging of my brand."


Alex Mill
Head of Global E-commerce Baabuk

"We've seen a positive increase in pretty much every measurable stat that we look at in email marketing. Our deliverability rate is currently the best that it's ever been. We are seeing positive increases in our open rates and click rates and our conversions from email marketing are also positively trending."


Elad Erdan

"When we started to work together about four months ago, we had a very ambitious goal of doubling the sales that are attributed to email marketing. Today I'm happy to say almost before the end of 2022 that not only we doubled it but with tripled it"


Alex Savva
CEO PharmaFreak

"Nicolas and his team delivered. They delivered with quick responses and they delivered what they said they were going to deliver"


Gudrun Wurm
CEO Little Butterfly London

"He set up a complete strategy, including all the flows, and it's been great. He's super reliable and our numbers have gone up"


Chris Sherwin
CEO 3 Cops Talk

"Nick knocked it out of the park for us. The best. Always in communication with you, he'll always tell you what's going on and includes you in their strategy."


We're 100% Performance-Based

Results, results, and… yes, results. This single word sums up our philosophy at Laya Consulting and we’re extremely proud of that.The Digital industry is filled with mediocre agencies who promise you the world and don’t deliver anything close to it.At Laya Consulting, we understand you. We understand your current situation and most importantly, where you want to go.As acquisition costs rise and margins suffer … Profiting from your hard-won customers is essential to success.Unfortunately, most DTC brands miss the mark on email marketing and SMS. Why? Because they fail to implement a retention program that: captures qualified contacts, nurtures them to first purchase, and accelerates lifetime value in 60-90 day payback windows.

(And Get A Free Klaviyo Audit!)


Returns From Email


Happy Partners


Client Retention Rate


Incredible Team

How We Can Help You

We live and breath loyalty and retention.

Laya is an ecommerce business solely focused on creating profitable channels for ecommerce brands via retention-based tactics.We create email marketingSMS campaigns that drive engagement, conversations, and most importantly revenue. We achieve this through world class design and direct response marketing principles.

If your brand has taken a hit due to Apple's privacy changes to tracking, we can help you. We take brands that are experiencing inconsistent sales, stale growth and have tried absolutely everything but have nothing to show for it, and help them drive 30%+ of revenue with email & SMS... turning them into dollar spitting ATMs.Laya is a retention-based agency by Millennials who don’t care about appearances or vanity metrics. We only care about… yes, you guessed it, tangible results for our clients. "The best marketing is a happy customer".

The Proof is In the Pudding

Our Process To Killer Results

First, let's have a chat

Everything starts here. We’ll discuss your current situation, your goals, and what you’ve tried so far.

Seamless Onboarding

Most agencies will take 30 to 45 days to on-board you. With us, onboarding takes 90-minutes, where we obtain all we need to get everything started...

Thoughtful, Data-Driven Strategy

Tired of a strategy that’s just about “getting some emails out”? We evaluate your business goals and take a holistic approach to build an effective email & SMS strategy.

Automation Implementation & Campaign Mapping

We implement unique email flows for each stage of your lifecycle as well as deliver engaging, one-time emails proven to keep customers engaged and make a ton of money

Ongoing Optimization

We continuously test different variables and measure results so we can continually increase your revenue; This is when your growth goes into hyperdrive and true lifetime customer value is unlocked.


At Laya Consulting, we have an ultra-efficient reporting and communication system that keeps you in the loop throughout our collaboration.

Who We've Worked With

We help our clients build brands that nurture, convert & retain customers.

Beat The Privacy Changes.

Book Your FREE Audit Call Today!

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